Thursday, September 22, 2016

Billionaire finds his wife after she turns up as a New York Model On Instagram

Sounded like something out a fairy-tale on paper

A Ukrainian model, Anna Zaiachkivska, had met and fallen in love with a billionaire Italian businessman, Gianluca Cervara.
Madly in love, they eloped at a local courthouse last December, but then the billionaire faced a nightmare scare that continues to haunt him to this day.
After a quickie marriage between the two, the billionaire husband promised his beauty queen (Miss Ukraine 2013) wife a ceremony like something out of a Disney movie. 

They remained in love with no problems as they planned their big church wedding for later in the year. But one day, Cervara didn't make it home to the couple's house in Milan, scaring her husband, who expected the worst. He's a billionaire, so when he didn't hear from her, he assumed that she had been kidnapped. He alerted the police, who began an intensive search worldwide, But when he didn't receive a ransom demand, he started to lose hope. Then, in September, while his fruitless search continued, he found her on Instagram, of all places, She had begun a new life modeling in New York and hadn’t told anyone, even her worried husband. She claims that she ran away from him because he was abusive.
 “I was fed up of living in a golden cage and I ran away.”
However, her betrayed and confused husband, denies this categorically. He says, “She has lots of pretty photos taken in five-star hotels, she is posing with other men. She does not look unhappy at all. All I can say is she is not the person she is pretending to be.”

Cervara's concern has turned to anger, and he's now suing his estranged wife for breaching their prenup and causing him undue emotional distress.He claims that she even took $7,000 and a cell phone before leaving Milan, having planned her escape all along.

It sounds like there's no hope for reconciliation, but the public and journalists are still seeking the truth in this bizarre case.

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